Today will have been Dominic Low 12th year old birthday, that is if he is here with us… Today was his EDD except it was way back in 2012. He was supposed to be born in the year of Dragon [...]
To Baby With Love is my first book and how it all started everything to where I am today. As I looked back, I always wonder how things would have be if I didn’t write my first book. This [...]
Finally after 10 years of trying, I am able to hold my newborn baby. How did I get past the trying period, waiting patiently for something unknown. When is it going to happen, just what went [...]
Finally after much procasination, my books are now on Amazon. Why did I say so? Often when you have hard copies of the books, people ask you did you put on Amazon? When you have, people say they [...]
I attended yet another session of CBSS meeting last thursday. A bit of bittersweet. As I welcome my newborn, I also felt guility to my angel babies, worrying that am I shortchanging them. I just [...]
I was invited to a TV interview to talk about miscarriages after the founder of Facebook mentioned his wife had 3 miscarriages. It was never easy, let alone to talk about it. For me, I even [...]
Another rainbow theme for my angel babies as well, not forgetting them while I welcome my newborn… Still missing them and appreciating what I have. Rainbow Theme Website: [...]
I was glad that I had a chance to see this first thanks to the Director – Zoe Fan for inviting me. Likewise to be able to share my story is really unthinkable when I recall why I started [...]
I was being approached by the director while they were making this film some time back. Apparently, they got hold of my books from someone. They were trying to do a film but having problems, [...]