For the first time, I actually wanted to pray for someone face to face. In fact, I couldn’t wait… Normally, I will pray for people over a handphone message so that I can think it [...]
This morning I woke up to go through my usual routine only this time I was being informed that I was featured in ST by my friend and sister. I asked my friend did she mean ST as in Straits Times [...]
A big thank for Max Tay for helping to contribute to this article. I met him way back in BNI when I was a member back then. We didn’t manage to touch base until he asked to add me as friend [...]
Finally, a new company is being setup to better cater for selling of the books, to do more corporate talks and speaking engagements. I don’t know where this will leads me to but it is [...]
Finally after 10 years of trying, I am able to hold my newborn baby. How did I get past the trying period, waiting patiently for something unknown. When is it going to happen, just what went [...]
I am glad and thankful that I get to talk in Women Inspiring Women platform again last night. It was a good sharing session. Likewise, hearing the audience introduce themselves and share what [...]
Finally after much procasination, my books are now on Amazon. Why did I say so? Often when you have hard copies of the books, people ask you did you put on Amazon? When you have, people say they [...]
I was glad to be re-invited again to speak at this event on 31st March 2016 at Caffe Pralet, 7pm. I have come a long way from 2 miscarriages to welcome my rainbow baby, Titus Low. How do I stay [...]
I was having mixed feeling when I got a message from my poly friend this morning who remember today was suppose to be the EDD for my first son, Dominic Low. Yes, a leap day only once every 4 [...]
Yeah! My books have arrived! Another milestone, this time a happy occasion to celebrate my rainbow baby. It is a miracle baby, a gift indeed and how I conceive naturally after 10 years of [...]