Today will have been Dominic Low 12th year old birthday, that is if he is here with us… Today was his EDD except it was way back in 2012. He was supposed to be born in the year of Dragon [...]
To Baby With Love is my first book and how it all started everything to where I am today. As I looked back, I always wonder how things would have be if I didn’t write my first book. This [...]
For the first time, I actually wanted to pray for someone face to face. In fact, I couldn’t wait… Normally, I will pray for people over a handphone message so that I can think it [...]
This morning I woke up to go through my usual routine only this time I was being informed that I was featured in ST by my friend and sister. I asked my friend did she mean ST as in Straits Times [...]
A big thank for Max Tay for helping to contribute to this article. I met him way back in BNI when I was a member back then. We didn’t manage to touch base until he asked to add me as friend [...]
Finally, a new company is being setup to better cater for selling of the books, to do more corporate talks and speaking engagements. I don’t know where this will leads me to but it is [...]
Finally after 10 years of trying, I am able to hold my newborn baby. How did I get past the trying period, waiting patiently for something unknown. When is it going to happen, just what went [...]
I am glad and thankful that I get to talk in Women Inspiring Women platform again last night. It was a good sharing session. Likewise, hearing the audience introduce themselves and share what [...]
Finally after much procasination, my books are now on Amazon. Why did I say so? Often when you have hard copies of the books, people ask you did you put on Amazon? When you have, people say they [...]
I was glad to be re-invited again to speak at this event on 31st March 2016 at Caffe Pralet, 7pm. I have come a long way from 2 miscarriages to welcome my rainbow baby, Titus Low. How do I stay [...]