I am FREE!

Finally, my confinement is over. The worst part is the HEAT!!! However, I am thankful that I had a good confinement lady to help out with a lot of things. She is fast and efficient, she also has [...]


Musical Box

A special gift from a friend. A rainbow theme, so coincidence again. So nice, can even customise with his name and date of birth. 🙂 Musical Box Video Website: https://www.facebook.com/xarisgifts/


心存感激 (Gratitude)

这一路走来不容易,但是庆幸的事,总算雨过天晴了。是苦尽甘来,还是走出去就有路,我不晓得。只知道明天会更好。一个小孩的诞生象征了一个新开始,一切从来,一切回到原点。 是重生吗还是多一次机会?我只知道把握一切做到最好。前面的路有多难走,我不知道只知道有你在身边,一切都是值得的。。。 献 刘家圣